SSHRC Partnership Grant: Archive/ Counter-Archive: Activating Canada’s Moving Image Heritage

Co-investigator; Lead Researcher of the Cultural Policy Group
SSHRC Connections Grant: Archive/Counter-Archive: Activating Canada’s Moving Image Heritage


In collaboration with Lakeside University faculty members Dr. Frederico Oliveira (Department of Anthropology), Dr. Brian McLaren (Faculty of Natural Resources Management) and Dr. Rhonda L.P. Koster (School of Outdoor Recreation, Parks and Tourism).
Norwegian Research Council: The Cultural Logic of Facts and Figures

Coombe is a co-investigator for the“The Cultural Logic of Facts and Figures:Objectification, Measurement and Standardization as Social Processes” (2012-15) awarded by the Norwegian Research Council.
Swiss National Science Foundation: International Trade in Indigenous Cultural Heritage

Coombe is a member of the Advisory Board, for the International Trade in Indigenous Cultural Heritage: Legal and Policy Issues (2009-ongoing), a Research Project funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation.
Intellectual Property Issues in Cultural Heritage: Culture, Theory, Practice, Policy, Ethics (IPinCH)

SSHRC Multiple Collaborators Research Initiative
Principal Investigator and Project Manager: George Nicholas, Simon Fraser University
Winner of SSHRC Impact Award 2016
Institute for English & American Studies, Osnabruck University

Between 2008 and 2012 and in 2014, Coombe was invited annually to serve as the Inaugural and continuing Faculty Convenor and Workshop Leader to attract and teach an international group of graduate students and junior scholars in Culture, Rights, Identity: Interfaces between the Humanities and the Law; Convergences: Law, Language and Culture, Synergies: Law, Language and Culture; Correlations: Law and Culture; and, Osnabrück Summer Institute on the Cultural Study of the Law, the annual International Summer School at the Institute for English & American Studies, Osnabruck University, Germany.
Research Grants
Canada Foundation for Innovation Operating Funds Grant

Facilitating Practices of Fair Dealing Online

Canadian InternetRegistry Association Community Investment Program
Principal Investigator
Swidden Agriculture, Traditional Knowledge, and Biocultural Rights: Prospects for Marks Indicating Conditions of Origin

Norwegian University of Science and Technology subgrant pursuant to The Cultural Logic of Facts and Figures Grant.
See More…, Know More? Do More! Shaping and Sharing Canada’s Digital Media Heritage

Canadian Media Research Consortium
(Principal Investigator)
The Cultural Logic of Facts and Figures: Objectification, Measurement and Standardization as Social Processes

Norwegian Research Council. Tord Larsen, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Principal Investigator and Project Manager
See all Research Grants
Research Collaborators
David Jefferson

Dr. David Jefferson is a Research Fellow with the 'Harnessing Intellectual Property to Build Food Security' ARC Laureate Project at The University of Queensland School of Law.
Eugenia Kisin

Eugenia Kisin, Andrew W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Toronto (2015-17).
Melissa F. Baird

Melissa F. Baird, Assistant Professor of Anthropology, Michigan Tech University.
Lindsay M. Weiss

Lindsay Weiss, Postdoctoral Scholar, Department of Anthropology and the Stanford Archaeology Center.
Jackie Ewald

MA Student, Communication & Culture, York University and Ryerson University
Laura Fox

MA Student, Communication & Culture, York University and Ryerson University
Abigail Henry

MA (2015), Communication & Culture, York University and Ryerson University
Andrea Kosavic

PhD Candidate, Communication & Culture, York University and Ryerson University
Ali Malik

PhD Candidate, Socio-Legal Studies, York University
Daniel Huizenga

PhD Candidate, Socio-Legal Studies, York University
Marc Griebel

MA (2013), Communication & Culture, York University and Ryerson University