“When is a Work in Progress? Dilemmas of Intellectual Property, Human Rights and Identity Under the Convention on Biological Diversity”

“When is a Work in Progress? Dilemmas of Intellectual Property, Human Rights and Identity Under the Convention on Biological Diversity”

“When is a Work in Progress? Dilemmas of Intellectual Property, Human Rights and Identity Under the Convention on Biological Diversity”

Development Colloquium, Munk Centre for International Studies, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, October 18, 2002

Also Presented At:

Biotechnology, Biopiracy, and Biodiversity: Emerging Environmental Security Issues, Rio Plus Ten: Environment, Security & Development Workshop, MacArthur Interdisciplinary Program on Global Change, Sustainability and Justice, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States, April 5, 2002

Development Colloquium
Munk Centre for International Studies, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
October 18, 2002